Sunday, January 29, 2012

First Illness

On Sunday, January 22nd we experienced our first "what the heck is wrong" moment. Easton had been congested and "not quite right" all day. At first we assumed a reflux exacerbation but after increasing his reflux meds, a steam bath, and countless other remedies didn't work, we knew we had something much more involved. Our friend, who also happens to be an ENT, saw him at home Sunday night and began antibiotics for some fluid he noticed in his right ear accompanied by a post nasal drip, but suggested we see our pediatrician during the week. We began a humidifier that night and hoped for the best. At 430 the next morning, I woke up to Trevis walking the halls with our poor child. He sounded like a freight train and had his eyes closed because he was so tired. But he couldn't stop wiggling around and trying to find a spot in his dad's arms conducive to him BREATHING! If there is anything I want to avoid it's watching my child struggling to breathe. As a parent you feel helpless and want to do everything in your power to make it better. I went psycho with the saline nasal drops and bulb syringe, trying everything in my power to remove anything blocking his nasal passages. To no avail. A trip to the pediatrician that day revealed that Easton had RSV. BLAH!!!! For anyone unfamiliar with this diagnosis, it's a lower respiratory viral infection that affects adults and children but is worse in children because of their tiny airways. Many children are hospitalized for this and that is NOT something we were hoping for for our 3 month old. Breathing treatments began every 4 hours, continued with the antibiotics and found new sleeping positions for Easton, often in our arms because that's the only way we could get him sitting straight up to breathe. Trevis stayed home from work 3 days and I stayed 2 days and by Wednesday our little guy made a great turn around. His lungs were clear at the doctor and everything left was just upper airway and nasal. 1 week later and he's down to 2 breathing treatments a day and sleeping in his own bed, back in his "normal routine". He's out of the sitter for another week for contagion reasons but he's doing great!!!!

Easton was a champ at breathing treatments! It didn't faze him at all. This is him and Daddy getting a middle of the night treatment. Yes Mr. E wants to hold his own treatment. Those little hands are constantly "going" and anything placed in their midst is immediately grabbed.

Happy little breather

These treatments didn't mess with his playtime...Played right on through them. We are so lucky he took to these well!

Side view of "treatment land"

1 comment:

  1. Oh man! Breathing treatments with Leyson were a NIGHTMARE! Easton was such a trooper! That is so awesome! We didn't even get to put the strap around Leyson's head, we had to just hold it out in front of him... he kept ripping it out of our hands. Go Easton!
