Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Babysitter's Club

Easton started at the sitter during the week of his 3 month birthday. We are SO blessed that my Aunt Donna (Mimi Donna as we call her) will be watching Easton. There's nothing better than knowing your child is being cared for and loved on almost as much as you do, when you're not with them.

Before Easton, Mimi's youngest were twin 1 1/2 yr olds. There are also some 2-4 yr olds that are there during the week. We were so excited by this because we definitely wanted Easton to be use to other children and sharing and all the things that come along with socialization of a child. During my maternity leave we took a few trips to Mimi's during the day to introduce Easton to the other kids. They loved staring at him and would sit around me and ask to "pet him". How cute right? By the second trip to Mimi's the girls had all named their baby dolls "Easton". It certainly made this Momma's heart warm and at ease!

Day 1: 640 Am- I call Trevis to ask him how it's going so far since Trevis' plan was to be giving Easton his bottle for 630 AM and to leave the house at 7 AM. What I get on the other end of the phone is "HEY!!! I'M RUNNING LATE!! I'M ONLY CHANGING HIM NOW- NO BOTTLE YET!" At that I hung up and laughed hysterically to myself saying "Live and Learn and then get Luvs" (effective marketing!) Trevis called me back at 720 AM to report that our package had been delivered to Mimi and that all seemed well before he left. Day 1 at the sitter proved "gut wrenching" for Easton as we had just switched him to his Infant formula from his Newborn formula. When I picked him up Mimi said he had been having bad gas all day and stomach cramps :( so we worked out a new solution which included Gentlease formula and a return to the Mylicon gas drops. Easton must have been EXHAUSTED from the bad tummy day because when he got home he took a 2 1/2 hr nap without MOVING and I had to wake him up for his night-time bottle!!

Day 2-4: Trevis settled into his morning routine and wasn't stressed at all in the mornings with the feeding/changing/ dropping off routine. Easton settled into his new formula much better and the gas and tummy issues ceased. However, one day when I went to pick him up, Easton was sitting in the living room on Mrs. Donna's lap with all the other kids sitting around them (imagine storytime position with Easton looking at them as if he were telling them a story). Easton was LOVING all of the faces looking at him and when I took him from Mrs. Donna and walked into the other room (out of view of the other kids) he started to cry!!! Wait!! That's not how that was supposed to go at all! He was supposed to think Mommy was the best for coming to get him everyday but instead I'm the villain for taking him from his friends!!!! I was buckling a crying Easton into his carseat when the other kids walked in the room to see why their buddy was crying. As soon as they came into view for Easton to see, he stopped crying!!! I guess our little one has warmed up to his new friends quicker than we realized. This mommy and daddy certainly have happy hearts :)

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