Sunday, January 29, 2012

E's First Award

Last June I was approached by a man at a Steubenville on the Bayou Youth Conference who placed his hands on my belly and said "I have a plan for your baby". At first I was taken aback. I was like "ummmm ok" (nervous smile). We both went our separate ways and at the end of the conference we met again. He explained to me this "plan". Without knowing our history or our baby, he wanted Easton to be the Pro Life Baby for the Houma- Thibodaux Diocese for 2012!!!! I was thrilled we were asked, but I didn't know if this man would really "find me" once Easton was born. Well sure enough, a week after he was born Mr. Kell hunted us down and reminded us of the award he wanted Easton to have!!!!

For those of you who don't know, the Pro Life movement is very important to Trevis and I, especially after the loss of our first baby. Trevis marched with the Knights of Columbus in Baton Rouge this year for the March for Life and we intend to bring Easton in the following years (he didn't go this year because of the bad weather).

The Pro Life Mass was held this weekend, January 28th and Easton was "center stage". My heart overflowed with love for my perfect man as he was brought before the congregation as the representative of the lives we are trying to save with this movement. As the priest lifted Easton in the air, my eyes welled up with tears. I'm so proud of him and he's only 3 months old. For me, Easton represents all that's actually "right" in this world. There was a reception afterwards that the KC's held and everyone was able to hold and enjoy Easton. It warms our heart as parents to witness the joy this baby has brought to so many and continues to bring.

Easton, Mommy, Daddy, and the KC Honor Guard after the Pro Life Mass. The man in the purple hat, right over Trevis' shoulder is Mr. Kell who granted Easton this opportunity.

1 comment:

  1. Aw! How wonderful!!! I am loving keeping up with your blog! Keep it coming!!!
