Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Mommy Loves you THIS much

As today is Valentine's Day I'm reminded of the wonderful love that surrounds us right now. Whether God, family, friends, or spouses, we are all surrounded by people that love us. For me, I feel especially blessed because today I get to celebrate my love with the two most important men in my life. Last October I felt like my heart was ripped from me when my first baby and my grandfather were taken from me. I didn't think anything would ever fill the void in my heart that was left when they left this earth. And then God sent me Easton....

In him, I see the face of God. In him all things are "right" again. I still think about my baby and my grandfather everyday (especially at night before bedtime) and I can finally not shed tears all the time because I know that they are experiencing an even greater love in heaven than I'm experiencing with Easton. A love I can't even begin to imagine because I can't imagine loving anyone more than I love my son. When those little eyes stare up at me in the mornings and I get my gummy smiles, my heart melts. How could any day be a bad day when THAT is the first thing you get to see? With all his new milestones under his belt I find myself hugging him so tight and telling him over and over just how proud I am of him! I just want to freeze time and enjoy these little, tiny moments forever and ever. Easton knows no enemies. He loves everyone that he sees and everyone that talks to him. He smiles all the time and has no cares in the world because he knows that all will be well. He truly reminds me of how God loves.

My most precious time with Easton is in the evening and night. We will sit on the couch and he will stand on me (because sitting is "SO" 3 months ago...) and just babble away. He has become obsessed with putting his mouth on mine and drooling all over it eventually leaving a trail of drool from my nose to my chin!!! I remind him that I will always tell him that I'm the first girl he ever kissed just so he'll stay mine forever and ever :) As much as I hate to admit it, that drool is one of my most favorite parts of the day. At night, I always rock him to sleep. He'll put his head right on my left shoulder with his head tucked under my chin and he goes to sleep within minutes. It's those minutes that I find tears running down my cheeks as I think about how blessed I am to be HIS mommy. Out of all the souls that needed mommies, God gave me the perfect one. So today Easton... I hope you know how much mommy loves you. How much you have renewed in me what love TRULY means and how much I will always love you with all my heart. You will always be my Mannie Moo. Happy 1st Valentines Day sweet baby boy.

Absolute perfection.....

1 comment:

  1. and now my own tears are spilling! There was never a glimmer of doubt in my mind that you'd be an unbelievably loving mother, but the fact that you capture it so well in words makes me just love your sweet self even more. You are a very special soul, Meryn.
