Tuesday, February 14, 2012

He did WHAT?!?!

Let me set the stage for you.... It's Sunday February 5th and mommy and Easton are hanging out in our sunroom on his playmat. I'm enjoying playing with him and singing to him and I'm singing him one of my favorite songs from my childhood. "There were 3 in the bed and the little one said... ROLL OVER ROLL OVER... so they all rolled over and 1 fell out, there were 2 in the bed and the little one said....". Easton is killing himself laughing over it and I decide to video it to send it to his grandparents and Nan. And then jokingly I say "Easton are you going to roll over?" and the kid DOES IT!!!!! And I caught it all on VIDEO!!! ahhhh!!! Needless to say I freaked out with complete happiness!! (Yeah I'm going to be one of THOSE moms...) I immediately turned him back to his belly and he kept doing it!!!! After the 7th time I knew I wanted daddy to not have to miss out so I made him his own special video so that he could feel like he was RIGHT there with us in the moment. It took little man a little longer to roll since I'd been "exercising" him since the first "roll over" but it's just so cute watching him do it :)

Since then he's now decided to roll everywhere as soon as he's bored on his belly. He is 90% able to turn from back to belly too! AHHH!!! Where is the time going? While we are so proud of him for these new milestones it has shown a new issue... sleeping in his crib. Our baby has been a belly sleeper since 2 weeks old. Yes, I know we are horrible parents but that's the ONLY way he would stay asleep and stay comfortable. Well with this new ability to roll comes rolling at ALL times including sleep times at which he rolls over and wakes himself up and begins playing in his crib. Awwww that's cute right? Well it IS... but not at 4 am when he decided to start that little feat:) He's gotten better at resisting the urge to roll over at night and is now back to his 830PM- 630AM sleep time.

Hope yall enjoy as much as we did!

                                                        FIRST TIME ROLLING OVER                                                      

Rolling over for DADDY!

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