Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Got Cereal?

We have started on the adventure known as rice cereal. For anyone who is a mommy or for anyone who isn't you can all relate here on this one. There are 1 million and 5 questions on how to "properly" begin rice cereal. In the bottle? In a bowl with a spoon? In the morning? At night? One scoop? Formula added? Rice or Oatmeal instead? These are only SOME of the questions I had to ask when beginning this adventure. After collecting many opinions we started Easton's cereal on February 6th at dinner time with a bowl and spoon. I guess because my child is so use to taking medicine, he took to the idea of a spoon very well. There wasn't the general cereal EVERYWHERE concept but rather just a little around the lips that we "scooped" off right after we snapped his picture when he had finished his entire bowl. I will say though that my child has his mother's independence. You know that time when your parents say "I hope you have a child JUST LIKE YOU!!" and you don't know what they mean? Yeah... well I get that concept now. Easton enjoyed eating his cereal but not getting to NOT hold his own spoon was not sitting well with him. I had to let him put his hand on top of mine and "feed himself". Yes. Many of you are thinking "awww that's so cute" but have you ever wrestled w a 4 month old with something colorful in his hand and on that said colorful thing happens to be rice cereal? Certainly makes for an interesting battle :) He seemed to enjoy the cereal and wanted MORE (of course!) so we are excited to start this new adventure known as the high chair meals with him. Easton has also taken to giving himself his Nexium. We normally give it to him in an eye dropper but he now grabs the dropper and sucks out all the medicine instead of letting us squirt it in for him. Our boy is growing up I guess. Pulls at the heart strings for sure. We are certainly enjoying all these milestones with him :)

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