Monday, April 2, 2012

Ne-Ne's 83rd Birthday!

Anyone that knows me knows that my grandmother (Ne-Ne) is my best friend in the whole world :) I tell her daily that she's never allowed to die until I die because my life wouldn't be right without her. I know that sounds morbid but this woman is truly the matriarch of our family and such a bright spot in all of our hearts.

A few weekends ago (March 24th), we were able to celebrate her bday with her! The woman LOVES boiled seafood so we had everyone over at our house to celebrate her big day!

Swinging with Ne Ne and giving her birthday love

Easton's cousin Finley came over with Trevis' cousin Lindsey. He was OBSESSED with Fin- as evidenced by his firm grasp on her dress. He laughed and smiled at her the whole time but wanted to pull her close to him so he could put his mouth on her.... I tried explaining to him that while all things are currently going in his mouth, this does not make it right to "taste" people.

Easton LOVED the crawfish flapping around in the pot before the boil. He would just stare and stare at them and laugh when they flicked their tails. He tried to put his hand in the washer bucket so we moved over to the boiling pot so he'd be "safer".

After he found the crawfish, he noticed the handle moved.... became another favorite toy of his.

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