Thursday, April 12, 2012

6 months..... already!

I always heard the phrase that time would "fly by" once Easton was born. I never realized that they meant it would "warp speed" fly by!!!! How in the world has our baby become 1/2 a year old already?!?!?! He's done a few things now that he's a "big boy". On Sunday, (Easter) we were "practicing" scooting with him.... mistake. Easton seems to be a pretty quick learner because by Tuesday he was scooting all over the sitter's and our house. He will survey the area, find what he wants to get to, do a few rolls to get closer, and then scoot the rest of the way to be able to grab the item!! So funny to watch. And by "scoot" I mean pull himself around the house, essentially "mopping" our floors with his belly as he goes! He also decided to start sitting up by himself!!!!! He can't get himself into the sitting position but if I put him in one he'll stay and play for awhile in that position!!! Ah! How did all this happen?!?!
Good Morning birthday smiles!

E scooting for his pacifier

Sitting up!

"Mom... really... you can put the camera down. It's really not a big deal that I'm sitting up. It's called 'life' mom!" (I really feel like he thinks this way judging by his expressions!)

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