Thursday, December 15, 2011

Welcome Easton Peter Olivier!

Alot has happened since our last "go" at the blog life. We had just had our miscarriage and were devastated to say the least. That was over a year ago and with a new year brings new changes including a new baby- Easton!!! Easton was born October 11, 2011 around 9:40 AM weighing 7 lbs 3 oz and measuring 19 1/2 inches long. Our baby boy was breech so mommy ended up with an emergency c-section but all is well and we are loving every minute of this new life together as a little family! We think about our first little angel all the time as we look at Easton and know my Paw-Paw must be loving all the attention he is getting from him as much as we are enjoying Easton and that brings great happiness to all of us :)

Easton is now 2 months old and doing so well!! Trevis and I are beyond blessed to have such a PERFECT little boy:) We are going to the doctor for his 2 month visit and his shots today :( so I'm sure there will be a post about that at some point! He has been to the doctor 3 times now and each time has involved changing a poop diaper in my car in the parking lot before the visit and changing the entire outfit and wiping down the carseat because of such a major blowout! We are convinced that our pediatrician will have social services at this appointment because we don't think he believes our excuse anymore that "I swear we bathe him but he just pooed in the car!".

 I weighed him this morning and he is a whopping 10 lbs 11 oz (thats with a diaper and clothes on). Trevis and I keep waiting for him to balloon up and get some rolls since we were both large children but it hasn't happened just yet:)

Easton's latest love is to play on his floor gym that my good friend Kelli Webber and her son Parish gave Easton. He talks to the animals on it as if they were his best friends!!! We are loving all his big smiles and giggles and certainly him "talking" to us. We can't begin to imagine what he's trying to say but I'm sure it's somewhere along the lines of "Man, you two aren't the brightest bulbs on the tree are ya?".

We are awaiting Christmas right now and Easton LOVES the Christmas tree and Christmas lights on houses. We have a house on our block that has set their lights to music and he sits and stares and laughs at that house when we take him by. I know that going to "view the lights" each season will be something we will add to our family traditions :)

I'm going to ATTEMPT to add some recent pictures and maybe a video of Easton's latest life adventures. We can't wait to continue to update you on all of our family adventures :)

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