Thursday, December 29, 2011

2 Month Checkup

Easton had his 2 month checkup on December 15th. This was the BIG one with multiple shots included so needless to say mommy was VERY anxious and nervous the whole day. Easton weighed in at a whopping 10 lbs 3 oz and 22 inches long. Our LITTLE man is certainly that-> LITTLE, and we love every ounce of him. We are thinking he'll hit his growth spurt later on in life :) He's ranking in the 25th percentile for height and length and that's interesting considering both his parents were off the charts at his age! Easton was literally hanging out on the table while the doctor and I talked about his upcoming milestones, his reflux, and the shots to come. The pediatrician commented on how agreeable his personality was and I certainly couldn't argue with him! The shots (2) came at the end of the appointment and, as a nurse, I appreciated the way that they were done. Two nurses came in and each gave him a shot in his leg at the same time so that it would only be one stick he would feel. Easton cried during the insertion of the needle but stopped the moment they pulled them out!!! I couldn't believe it! That made ME start to cry knowing that he was ok! Before I could even pick him up off the table his tears had dried up and he was ready to take his nap. We are so blessed with our little guy!

Easton's latest fascination inlcudes wringing his hands together and staring at anyones hands. It's like he's studying them as to how to get his own to work that way :) He also enjoys being whistled to and has really picked up "talking" to us more and more (which we LOVE). We can't do "tummytime" often because of his reflux but when we do the little worm has learned how to kick his leg out and turn himself over after a little exertion! He thoroughly enjoys his floor gym and staring and playing with all of the items hanging from it. He has started to grasp the rattles and animals and pulling them to his mouth also. His favorite toy has to be his glow worm though. He will sit and stare at it, talk to it, and grab it everytime it is put within his grasp!

He just made it into the 0-3 month clothing so I had the wonderful task of packing up his newborn clothes a few weeks ago. What a hard thing to do. It certainly solidified that our little worm is growing up!
Easton on the table before shots (all smiles!)

After shots (staring at his bugs and ready to take a nap)

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