Thursday, December 29, 2011

Merry Christmas

Easton celebrated his first Christmas in a very busy and family filled two days. We celebrated with the Olivier's (Maw Maw Cindy, Paw Paw Dale, Aunt Karli, Uncle Drake, Aunt Dee, and Rylee) on Christmas Eve lunch. This Christmas was so much fun with the addition of Easton and because Rylee (being almost 3) was SO excited about presents and playing with each one! Both Easton and Rylee got some major loot from their aunts, uncles, and grandparents and we were all entertained playing with all the new toys and clothes for both of them!! We foresee some MAJOR fun coming in the next few years with the addition of more nieces and nephews and them truly beginning to understand Christmas:)

Christmas Eve night we celebrated with the Allen's (Nan Krista, Uncle Ben, Pa-Chip Kyle, and Frannie). Pa outfitted Easton for LSU baseball season with a baseball outfit and Nan gave Easton his very own Elf on the Shelf for future years to come (although I think that gift was more for mommy and daddy!). They also started Easton his very own college fund which made us all happy to know how invested in his future everyone is!

Christmas morning we had mass with Ne-Ne and stayed home for lunch so that Easton could nap since Christmas Eve was such a long day for him. Grandma Sherry came over for the afternoon with Grandpa Gary and Uncle Blake and we enjoyed some cake and opened MORE gifts for Easton! Before going out for the evening, we opened Easton's present from Santa- some new bottles!!! Christmas night we headed over to Maw Maw Cindy's and celebrated with the Giroir side of the family for some great times!!! There are 6 girls and 2 boys on that side but we found out that Trevis' cousin Kristi is expecting another boy in June!!! We see more trucks and dirt in the Giroir Family Christmases!!!!

We were so very blessed to have had this opportunity to celebrate with everyone and have everyone love on Easton! We can't wait to celebrate many more holidays with our wonderful family!!!
Easton loving his reindeer ornament from Grandma Sherry

Easton and Mommy before going to the Giroir Christmas

Mommy and Daddy's best gift under the tree

Sporting his first fishing hat from Uncle Drake

Easton and Rylee in their Christmas garb :)

Trevis' cousin Corey with E at the Giroir family Christmas

Mommy, Nanny, and Easton opening presents on Christmas morning after mass

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