Thursday, December 29, 2011

Who Dat!!!

We think we may have a new fan on our hands...

Merry Christmas

Easton celebrated his first Christmas in a very busy and family filled two days. We celebrated with the Olivier's (Maw Maw Cindy, Paw Paw Dale, Aunt Karli, Uncle Drake, Aunt Dee, and Rylee) on Christmas Eve lunch. This Christmas was so much fun with the addition of Easton and because Rylee (being almost 3) was SO excited about presents and playing with each one! Both Easton and Rylee got some major loot from their aunts, uncles, and grandparents and we were all entertained playing with all the new toys and clothes for both of them!! We foresee some MAJOR fun coming in the next few years with the addition of more nieces and nephews and them truly beginning to understand Christmas:)

Christmas Eve night we celebrated with the Allen's (Nan Krista, Uncle Ben, Pa-Chip Kyle, and Frannie). Pa outfitted Easton for LSU baseball season with a baseball outfit and Nan gave Easton his very own Elf on the Shelf for future years to come (although I think that gift was more for mommy and daddy!). They also started Easton his very own college fund which made us all happy to know how invested in his future everyone is!

Christmas morning we had mass with Ne-Ne and stayed home for lunch so that Easton could nap since Christmas Eve was such a long day for him. Grandma Sherry came over for the afternoon with Grandpa Gary and Uncle Blake and we enjoyed some cake and opened MORE gifts for Easton! Before going out for the evening, we opened Easton's present from Santa- some new bottles!!! Christmas night we headed over to Maw Maw Cindy's and celebrated with the Giroir side of the family for some great times!!! There are 6 girls and 2 boys on that side but we found out that Trevis' cousin Kristi is expecting another boy in June!!! We see more trucks and dirt in the Giroir Family Christmases!!!!

We were so very blessed to have had this opportunity to celebrate with everyone and have everyone love on Easton! We can't wait to celebrate many more holidays with our wonderful family!!!
Easton loving his reindeer ornament from Grandma Sherry

Easton and Mommy before going to the Giroir Christmas

Mommy and Daddy's best gift under the tree

Sporting his first fishing hat from Uncle Drake

Easton and Rylee in their Christmas garb :)

Trevis' cousin Corey with E at the Giroir family Christmas

Mommy, Nanny, and Easton opening presents on Christmas morning after mass

2 Month Checkup

Easton had his 2 month checkup on December 15th. This was the BIG one with multiple shots included so needless to say mommy was VERY anxious and nervous the whole day. Easton weighed in at a whopping 10 lbs 3 oz and 22 inches long. Our LITTLE man is certainly that-> LITTLE, and we love every ounce of him. We are thinking he'll hit his growth spurt later on in life :) He's ranking in the 25th percentile for height and length and that's interesting considering both his parents were off the charts at his age! Easton was literally hanging out on the table while the doctor and I talked about his upcoming milestones, his reflux, and the shots to come. The pediatrician commented on how agreeable his personality was and I certainly couldn't argue with him! The shots (2) came at the end of the appointment and, as a nurse, I appreciated the way that they were done. Two nurses came in and each gave him a shot in his leg at the same time so that it would only be one stick he would feel. Easton cried during the insertion of the needle but stopped the moment they pulled them out!!! I couldn't believe it! That made ME start to cry knowing that he was ok! Before I could even pick him up off the table his tears had dried up and he was ready to take his nap. We are so blessed with our little guy!

Easton's latest fascination inlcudes wringing his hands together and staring at anyones hands. It's like he's studying them as to how to get his own to work that way :) He also enjoys being whistled to and has really picked up "talking" to us more and more (which we LOVE). We can't do "tummytime" often because of his reflux but when we do the little worm has learned how to kick his leg out and turn himself over after a little exertion! He thoroughly enjoys his floor gym and staring and playing with all of the items hanging from it. He has started to grasp the rattles and animals and pulling them to his mouth also. His favorite toy has to be his glow worm though. He will sit and stare at it, talk to it, and grab it everytime it is put within his grasp!

He just made it into the 0-3 month clothing so I had the wonderful task of packing up his newborn clothes a few weeks ago. What a hard thing to do. It certainly solidified that our little worm is growing up!
Easton on the table before shots (all smiles!)

After shots (staring at his bugs and ready to take a nap)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Welcome Easton Peter Olivier!

Alot has happened since our last "go" at the blog life. We had just had our miscarriage and were devastated to say the least. That was over a year ago and with a new year brings new changes including a new baby- Easton!!! Easton was born October 11, 2011 around 9:40 AM weighing 7 lbs 3 oz and measuring 19 1/2 inches long. Our baby boy was breech so mommy ended up with an emergency c-section but all is well and we are loving every minute of this new life together as a little family! We think about our first little angel all the time as we look at Easton and know my Paw-Paw must be loving all the attention he is getting from him as much as we are enjoying Easton and that brings great happiness to all of us :)

Easton is now 2 months old and doing so well!! Trevis and I are beyond blessed to have such a PERFECT little boy:) We are going to the doctor for his 2 month visit and his shots today :( so I'm sure there will be a post about that at some point! He has been to the doctor 3 times now and each time has involved changing a poop diaper in my car in the parking lot before the visit and changing the entire outfit and wiping down the carseat because of such a major blowout! We are convinced that our pediatrician will have social services at this appointment because we don't think he believes our excuse anymore that "I swear we bathe him but he just pooed in the car!".

 I weighed him this morning and he is a whopping 10 lbs 11 oz (thats with a diaper and clothes on). Trevis and I keep waiting for him to balloon up and get some rolls since we were both large children but it hasn't happened just yet:)

Easton's latest love is to play on his floor gym that my good friend Kelli Webber and her son Parish gave Easton. He talks to the animals on it as if they were his best friends!!! We are loving all his big smiles and giggles and certainly him "talking" to us. We can't begin to imagine what he's trying to say but I'm sure it's somewhere along the lines of "Man, you two aren't the brightest bulbs on the tree are ya?".

We are awaiting Christmas right now and Easton LOVES the Christmas tree and Christmas lights on houses. We have a house on our block that has set their lights to music and he sits and stares and laughs at that house when we take him by. I know that going to "view the lights" each season will be something we will add to our family traditions :)

I'm going to ATTEMPT to add some recent pictures and maybe a video of Easton's latest life adventures. We can't wait to continue to update you on all of our family adventures :)