Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Life with Easton (7 months)

We have definitely enjoyed all these milestones with our little guy but 7 months has been SO much fun!! He's surely getting into "life" and coming along with us alot easier than when he was a baby. Now that he's able to sit up it's such a joy to have him and he's meeting lots of "friends" as we go on these outings :) As happy as we are to have our baby boy growing up it also brings some sadness knowing that gone are the days of little bitty baby boy....... We love our little man!

Eating out with E is so fun now!! He eats what we eats and "chats" with restaraunt patrons.....

"I'll sit here while you fold clothes Mom! No problem"

"You said we're going to pick up babes in the diaper aisle?!?!"

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