Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Life with Easton (7 months)

We have definitely enjoyed all these milestones with our little guy but 7 months has been SO much fun!! He's surely getting into "life" and coming along with us alot easier than when he was a baby. Now that he's able to sit up it's such a joy to have him and he's meeting lots of "friends" as we go on these outings :) As happy as we are to have our baby boy growing up it also brings some sadness knowing that gone are the days of little bitty baby boy....... We love our little man!

Eating out with E is so fun now!! He eats what we eats and "chats" with restaraunt patrons.....

"I'll sit here while you fold clothes Mom! No problem"

"You said we're going to pick up babes in the diaper aisle?!?!"

Memorial Day

We took Easton camping with the in laws for the Sunday prior to Memorial Day. He LOVED it! He swam for 2 hrs in the mid morning, ate lunch and took a nap, then woke up for 2 more hrs of swimming!!! It was certainly a great day spent at the campground with Maw Maw and Paw Paw!

Easton's rules

We tell everyone about how much our son likes to "explore" his vocal range when we are at home. He'll be serious to very light hearted laughing. He has mastered the fake laugh, the fake cough, "DaDa", and "Hey". Well he's ALSO mastered fussing Kota. I caught him mid "fuss". I didn't pan over but the "thing" he can't keep his eyes off and is "talking" to happens to be Kota lying at the other end of his playmat. I can about imagine what E is telling Kota here....

Eating time!

We are slowly introducing Easton to the concept of eating "table food" to get him adjusted to textured foods. My grandmother started this when I was working in her yard and came in to find her feeding Easton jello with whipped cream at 6 months old.... From there she decided to introduce him to teething biscuits (which he LOVES) so I figured why not jump on the train.

He LOVES being able to hold his own foods and shove them into his mouth. We are currently practicing our pincer grasp by cutting up small pieces of banana and giving him some "baby crack puffs"... all of which he can't seem to get enough of. The list of foods includes.... turkey, bbq pulled pork, oranges, pineapples, green peas, cucumbers,

                                                                      Corn on the cob (1st time)

Corn on the cob (350840598609 time- he's a pro now)


Lemons... yes... lemons. This was his initial face but he ate TWO of them and did not enjoy when we took them away. Side note: his dad also eats lemons ALL the time so another "like father like son" moment I guess....

When you eat as much as this kid you have to also drink from a big boy glass....

Easton's First Swim

With the onset of summer, only one thing could be imminent- SWIMMING!!! Trevis' Aunt Melanie was so nice and bought Easton a pool for Easter so we blew it up, put on his Easter swim clothes and had at it in our own backyard. He LOVED it and has gone "swimming" several other times. The kid has gone 2 hours playing in the pool without a single whimper... I see many family beach vacations on the horizon. And yes... we promise we'll get him a new swim shirt since he's already outgrown this one it seems....

Monkey See Monkey Do

Like Father....

Like Son...

Mommy's first Mother's Day

As I had my first baby to hold this year for Mother's Day, it was such a wonderful day for me!!! All I wanted to do was to cuddle in bed with E in the morning so that's JUST what we did. I have to tell you that for as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to have a bed full of kids on the weekend mornings full of mommy snuggles!!! E doesn't disappoint either :) He climbed all over as me and Daddy laughed at him and just enjoyed being a family before we started on the busy day ahead of us. I'm so lucky that God chose me to be Easton's mommy. My sun rises and sets with him and my love is so immense no words would ever come close to explain it :) He made my day just oh so special!!

Good Morning Mommy!!!

Full of snuggles for mommy and daddy!

Sign Drew Brees!!!

With the bounty scandal coming to light and the still UN signed Drew Brees, we figured a day in our Saints gear wouldn't hurt :)