Wednesday, March 7, 2012

4 Months Old

Easton had his 4 month check up at the end of February complete with 4 month shots :/ The doctor said what our little guy lacks in growth he's certainly made up for in development. He weighed in at 14 lbs 5 oz at 4 1/2 months and was 25 inches long. While he's still on the lower end of the growth curve, he's certainly following that curve since he's liked the "25th percentile" since 1 month of age. Trevis and I fully expected a baby with some ROLLS since we were both huge babies but so far that's not so. Developmental wise Easton rolled over both ways while at the doctor and was certainly quite "talkative" with her. Dr. Boudreaux laughed and laughed as Easton would talk "louder and louder" until she would walk over and talk TO him instead of to me. He also "sits up while maintaing excellent head control" (her words obviously), can reach, grab, and hold on to objects, and has begun eating baby food. While there, Dr. Boudreaux witnessed Easton getting up on his knees which she attributes to the beginning stages of pulling up on all fours for crawling. Crawling? How in the heck have we gone from birth to crawling this fast?????????

Shots finished out the appointment but Easton was such a trooper. He cried for literally 2 seconds and continued flirting with the nurses on the way out. I'm pretty sure shots are a much worse experience for parents than for the child.

I'm looking forward to the next appointment because we get to talk about no more Nexium and putting his crib flat instead of the current incline! But of course, more shots come with that talk..... ugh.

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