Tuesday, July 3, 2012


E's favorite song is between Pattie Cake and Itsy Bitsy Spider hands DOWN! He's now also begining to understand that when we are happy or proud of him we say "Yayyyy" and clap. So he's decided to be a copy cat so as soon as we say "yayy" he decides to clap. He's also doing "SOOOO BIG" when he lifts his hands to the ceiling (Haven't been able to get that on video yet.... work in progress). I never realized what a sponge he is right now!

This was the very first time we realized he did it!

Another Milestone

Easton has now conquered a new milestone... one in which scares the day lights out of me because it means he's getting so big!!! He has decided to pull up and climb EVERYTHING including ME! If I'm sitting with him on the couch, he is climbing his way to the top of me and laughing the entire time. He's already gotten some bruises from the sitter as he has decided to be a little over adventurous with his climbing abilities. Our baby is growing up...

One of his favorite things to pull up on because he can play with the things on top

"Look what I can do Mom and Dad!"

The Olivier's go to a luau

We attended a couple's shower for Krista and Ben a few weeks ago that was a luau theme. Easton LOVED playing in the basket full of lei's and with the other kids on the floor. I was "that mom" that let her kid crawl all over the floor and who's kid was FILTHY but you know what.... I was also "that mom" who's kid couldn't have been happier so all "is good" :) It's getting VERY close to Krista and Ben's August wedding!!!

Ready for the hula competition!!!

A family picture. Of course Easton is making his "mushroom face" as I call it. I think he resembles the mushrooms off of Super Mario Bros with this face :)

Happy First Dad Day Trevis!!!

What an incredible man my husband is. I always knew he was the best husband but watching him with Easton has made me fall in love all over with him in a completely different way. We love you so much Daddy!!!!

My two handsome men on Father's Day


June 15-17 Houma hosted the annual Steubenville on the Bayou Catholic Youth Conference for over 3000 teens from all across the United States. It's always an AWESOME event that Trevis and I both enjoy volunteering for. Well, the volunteer part has gotten even "sweeter". One of my favorite friends from SOPHOMORE year of high school is a youth minister at his church and brings a group of his teens every year and we get to visit!!! This year he got to meet "Biscuit", as he calls Easton, and visit with us a little while. Kyle lives in Oberlin so we rarely get to see him but everytime we do it's THE BEST TIME!!!! Kyle and I met at a Hugh O'Brien Youth Leadership Conference during 10th grade. We were both the first people at our table that had a big "M" on it and got to talking. We laughed and got to know each other pretty well only to find out that Kyle was at the WRONG TABLE!!! He thought the groups went by last name instead so we were then separated :( We hung out a little over the weekend but all through high school and college we traded written letters and then eventually emails. He is such a great person and I'm just so lucky he's still in our lives!!!!

We are never buying toys!

As a new parent, you always hear the proverbial "you'll have more toys than you'll know what to do with" or "give the kid the box instead". Well we are certainly no exception! Easton much prefers playing with my cooking spoons over any of the milllions of toys he has!

Notice all the toys around him... yeah apparently neither does he.

8 months old!

Easton was 8 months old on June 11. How in the world we have an 8 month old I have no idea because it seems like JUST THE OTHER DAY we celebrated his awesome birth!!! It's certainly been a fantastic 8 months though and it seems as if it just gets better and better with each new milestone that comes :)

Although he goes to sleep with no pacifier, in the mornings we find him with at least 5 pacifiers around him!!! Normally one in the mouth and one in each hand too!!! Silly kid!

"Good morning mom!!! I'm 8 months old!" (notice the right hand-pacifier in place!)

A family affair

Easton/Daddy got a new "toy" a few months ago and it's been a GREAT addition to the activities that we love to do as a family. We can be found biking on any given evening (unless it's so hot that the rubber on the tires is melting before we can pull out the garage!). Easton is hysterical! He crosses his ankles and just stares out the "window" the whole time. When he sees something he likes he'll call out or laugh out loud. As you can imagine, we get plenty of looks going down the road with this tote behind us :)

Daddy normally "pulls" E behind him.

"MOM!!! The sun is in my eyes! Let's move it!"

Room for two! Maybe Kota can go one day ;)